Sewing Seeds of Kindness

This idea was started by Kaaron Sloan in 2010, as a beginner sewing group for the women and young ladies of our church. From there a mission idea was presented, to make little girls dresses for an orphanage in Africa.

Since then, our group has made close to 300 pillow case dresses ,which have been given, not only to Africa, but Haiti and Uganda as well, in partnership with Bainbridge Baptist Church. We are excited to see Gods hand in the growth of this mission as we continue working hard every week, supporting each person in our group.

The name of our group, Sewing Seeds of Kindness, has been with us since 2013, when our group was presented with a new mission of making quilts for the Quilts of Valor foundation. (This idea began in 2012, when a group of us joined our pastor on a day trip to Adel GA, to visit the Viet Nam moving wall. While there, we witnessed quilts being given out to active duty veterans who had served during war time. We were all very moved by this. Soon thereafter, Quilts of Valor was born. Since then, with patience and hard work, our group has made and presented about 100 quilts to this mission.

Our goal is to continue to volunteer our time to support both of these missions, which are rewarding and close to our hearts. To give to others is an honor and a privilege. Our vision is to see other women and young ladies join us in making this happen.

“I came to this group in 2012, not personally knowing anyone.I wanted to relearn to sew and do something special with my time. We welcome more people to join us on Thursday mornings each week at 9:00 am. Come make something happen with friends and fellowship. We all have a talent God has given to us and we need people to join us in giving back to others, for we truly have so much.” – Myrtie Hucks, current group leader since 2015